Post By Sunil Shaw
How Indian Tech Firms Use BDEs to Grab Freelancer Projects
Introduction The Indian tech industry has evolved rapidly, with companies offering solutions like CRM, HRMS, and management software. While these businesses aim to grow, many rely on an unconventional strategy—using Business Development Executives (BDEs) to acquire projects from freelancers and online marketplaces like Fiverr and Upwork. This approach helps companies maximize profits while keeping costs… Continue reading How Indian Tech Firms Use BDEs to Grab Freelancer Projects
How to Creates Professional REST Api in Laravel
Let’s see how we can creates professional Rest Api in laravel. What is Laravel Laravel is an PHP’s free open source and famous web framework, developed by Taylor Otwell to develop web application for MVC (Model View Controller) architectural patterns. It supports backend and frontend development. Laravel is an easy-to-use open-source PHP framework for developing… Continue reading How to Creates Professional REST Api in Laravel
CodeWithHarry: The Ultimate Coding Coach for Beginners
CodeWithHarry is an big YouTube channel with lot’s of coding content and tutorials. CodeWithHarry owns by Haris Ali Khan. Haris Ali Khan passed from IIT Kharagpur. CodeWithHarry the Ultimate Coding Coach CodeWithHarry is an famous Indian YouTuber, His coding tutorials are very popular among indians and he has 6+ millions of subscribers on his YouTube… Continue reading CodeWithHarry: The Ultimate Coding Coach for Beginners
Happy Engineers Day 2024: Wishes, Greetings, and Messages to Celebrate
India celebrates Engineers Day on 15 September every year in honor of Sir Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya. It was celebrated first time in 15 September 1968, remembering 100th birthday of M. Visvesvaraya. The day was suggested by Government of india and Prime Minister Indira Gnadhi in the remember of M. Visvesvaraya and it’s contributions to India. His… Continue reading Happy Engineers Day 2024: Wishes, Greetings, and Messages to Celebrate
How to Run JavaScript in Sublime in Ubuntu Linux
In this blog we will learn How to Run JavaScript in Sublime in Ubuntu Linux step by step. I explained in four steps only. Lot’s of people seaching on google for further help, i found it out. What is Sublime Text++ It is an Open Sources lite weighted code editor/IDE. It is made by C++… Continue reading How to Run JavaScript in Sublime in Ubuntu Linux
What is Laravel and why is it used
What is Laravel Laravel is an PHP’s free open source and famous web framework, developed by Taylor Otwell to develop web application for MVC (Model View Controller) architectural patterns. It supports backend and frontend development. Laravel is an easy-to-use open-source PHP framework for developing web projects like websites and applications. It gives features and rich… Continue reading What is Laravel and why is it used
How to Run Php in Sublime in Ubuntu Linux
In this blog we will learn How to Run Php in Sublime in Ubuntu Linux step by step. I explained in two steps only. Lot’s of people seaching on google for further help, i found it out. What is Sublime Text++ It is an Open Sources lite weighted code editor/IDE. It is made by C++… Continue reading How to Run Php in Sublime in Ubuntu Linux
How to get AdSense approval easily and quickly
In this article i explained How to get AdSense approval easily and quickly. Read all the point shown below, i promise you after reading all the point no one can stop you from getting Adsense approval. What is AdSense and How Does it Work Adsense is an ads displaying network by Google. Adsense is introduce… Continue reading How to get AdSense approval easily and quickly