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Post By Sunil Shaw

What is Regression In Machine Learning With a Example

Introduction Regression is a statistical technique that is used to analyze the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables. As I have noted the objective is to find the most suitable function that characterizes the link between these variables. It seeks to find the best-fit model, which can be used to… Continue reading What is Regression In Machine Learning With a Example

What are the basic concepts of machine learning and algorithms

Machine Learning is all about learning from data without being explicitly programmed. In explicit programming, code is written for each specific scenario to handle it. However, in Machine Learning does not use this approach. Instead, you have some data and an algorithm. You instruct the algorithm to explore the data and identify patterns between the… Continue reading What are the basic concepts of machine learning and algorithms

How to Create an Professional Blog Using Laravel PHP

Introduction Laravel is an PHP’s free open source and famous web framework, developed by Taylor Otwell to develop web application for MVC (Model View Controller) architectural patterns. It supports backend and frontend development. Let’s see How to Create an Professional Blog Using Laravel PHP. How To Create Dynamic Slider Using Laravel Step By Step How… Continue reading How to Create an Professional Blog Using Laravel PHP

Which One is The Best Online Code Editor

Introduction Doesn’t matter you are a frontend developer, backend developer and designer, an online code editor is good to have in your list. Online code editor also called cloud code editor. Programmers and software engineers spends lots of time with editor and IDEs. There is lots of offline IDEs available for all operating system like… Continue reading Which One is The Best Online Code Editor

Implementing Queue Data Structure Algorithm in Python: A Detailed Guide

Introduction In a Queue Data Structure, objects form a sequence where elements added at one end and removed from the other end. The queues follow the principle of first in first out. One end, referred to as the Front, removes items while the other end, referred to as the Rear, has items removed from it.… Continue reading Implementing Queue Data Structure Algorithm in Python: A Detailed Guide

What is Return Statement in Python : Syntax and Usage

What is Return Statement in Python In Python return keyword is used at the end of the function when there is a need to send back the result of the function back to the caller. Software programming is not about printing result all the time. Behind the scenes, perform calculations hidden from the users. Further… Continue reading What is Return Statement in Python : Syntax and Usage

Creating Python Function That Take Parameters

Introduction According to Wikipedia Python is a high-level and general-purpose programming language. Its focus on design code readability with the use of significant indentation. Python dynamically typed language and garbage collected. It supports multiple programming mthod, including structured, object-oriented and functional programming. Read more about python on Wikipedia.Function in python is an block of code… Continue reading Creating Python Function That Take Parameters

Python3 101 Tricks for beginners Part 1

Introduction Python is an open source popular programming language. It is mostly using in every fields. In Python3 101 tricks for beginners part 1 is the first part of Python3 Tricks for begineers Series. Python List Small Python3 101 Tricks for beginners Part 1 I hope you knows about slicing, + operator, indexing, for loop.… Continue reading Python3 101 Tricks for beginners Part 1

Write Own Code to Add Category and Tags into WordPress Page

Introduction Heyy there, i am not talking about adding plugins to your wordpress site. Probably there is tons of plugins available in wordpress plugin store, But today we will learn how to write own code to add functionality to add category and tags into wordpress page. We will write our own code to add it… Continue reading Write Own Code to Add Category and Tags into WordPress Page

How to Install Python in Ubuntu Through Terminal

Introduction Python is a popular programming language used for automation, web scraping, artificial intelligence, and other fields. At the time of writing this article python’s latest version is 3.12. Almost every Linux based distro comes with a version of Python included in the default system packages. As All Linux distribution have Python pre-installed. May be… Continue reading How to Install Python in Ubuntu Through Terminal

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