What is HTTP POST Methods ?
The HTTP POST method is one of the mos important HTTP method in web development. In web development, developers mostly uses the POST methods to send data to a server to submit or creates a resources.

- Data Submission: Developers usually use the POST methods to submit data to the server, such as file uploads, form data from a web form, or other user-generated content. Not like GET method, which add data to the URL, POST methods sends the data in the request body of the HTTP request.
- Resource Creation or Modification: You can use POST to create or add new data on the server (such as adding a new user to a database) or to updating existing data (such as updating user information).
- Larger Payloads: As it cleared POST method uses request body to send the data, means it can handle large amount of data as comapred to GET method. This features makes POST method suitable for submitting large forms or uploading files.
- Security: The POST method includes sensitive data into request body during data transfer, it means that data is not secure. Developer have to ensure that data transmission should be only on HTTPS method that encripts the data.
- Cache and Bookmarking: Any browser doesn’t saves POST method locally. It is not suitable to bookmark because it change their conditions.
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I am a Web Developer, Love to write code and explain in brief. I Worked on several projects and completed in no time.
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