What is Laravel and why is it used

  • Last updated: September 13, 2024 By Sunil Shaw

What is Laravel and why is it used

What is Laravel

Laravel is an PHP’s free open source and famous web framework, developed by Taylor Otwell to develop web application for MVC (Model View Controller) architectural patterns. It supports backend and frontend development.

Laravel is an easy-to-use open-source PHP framework for developing web projects like websites and applications. It gives features and rich library to develop backend and frontend of any web applications. There is crucial part to take decisions before going to start any project, to choose which language and library would be easy and future friendly. Being a developer i suggets to choose Laravel framework. Laravel is an cross-platform open-source php framework with huge extensive library and pre-programmed functionalities such as HTML templating, routing and authentication. Laravel is an powerful framework on Model-View-Controller(MVC) architecture.

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Why Is It Used

It is used to build modern web app like website and tools.

Is Laravel backend or frontend

Mostly laravel i used for backend development. It is an backend framework that provides all the features and functions you need. Laravel is feature rich so you can easly use it to build your modern web application. It has built-in feature that require to build modern application, such as routing, validation, storage, caching and validation. However they offer to developers a powerfull full-stack experience including powerful method for building your frontend.

There is two approach to built your frontend, one this using PHP blade engine and second one JavaScript Vue and React js framework.

What is Composer and it’s usage

Composer is an tool to manage dependencies of PHP. Basically it’s like a person who are available for you everytime, It will take your command and serve you as a master.

Install composer in you system. If you are a window user you can directly download Composer-Setup.exe and run it. If you are a linux user, user terminal to install directly.

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MVC Architecture

Laravel follow the MVC architectural pattern for creating web apps.

Artisan – A Command-Line Interface

Artisan is an command line interface to automate certain tasks. It helps to developers to:

  • Run Laravel Server
  • Migrate
  • Database management
  • Generate boilerplate, controllers and models starters.

Here is some command that used for Artisan

  1. php artisan runserver to run the laravel development server

Blade Template Engine

Blade template engine is an powerfull tool in laravel to create user-interface.

Eloquent ORM

Eloquent ORM(Object Relational Mapper) is an database management feature in Laravel Framework.

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Sunil Shaw

Sunil Shaw

About Author

I am a Web Developer, Love to write code and explain in brief. I Worked on several projects and completed in no time.

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